Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Results - I got some!

OK so eating 6 meals a day and working out 6 times a week for about a total of 4 hours will change your body!
I lost 11 pounds and 4 inches off my waist! My body mass index fell nearly 5 points.

All this with a week off for a concussion and sporadic workouts the last couple of weeks due to work.

I feel so much better than back in June when this started. My sister fit into a size 4 for the first time in her life! I am wearing pants I haven't worn in years!

The hardest part about this program is actually finding the guts to do it. It isn't hard and it isn't time consuming. But it does require a change in perspective about what's important. Giving your body what it needs to be healthy is a good change. I will say that after about two weeks on the program, I absolutely did not miss cokes, my afternoon snickers bar, Marble Slab ice cream, pizza (well maybe a little on the is after all a Friday night staple!). But I didn't crave all the junk I normally eat.

Now I'm taking a few weeks off and hope to start again later in September. Good luck to all on the program. It is worth it and you can do it!

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