Sunday, June 15, 2008

Body For Life

My sister and I have decided we are done with yo-yo dieting and gym-ratting.

I have a friend who decided to do Bill Phillips' Body for Life program while he was deployed. He lost 50 pounds and gained muscle!

So I read the book, my sister read the book and we've both read the website. We're ready to go....we start tomorrow.

The premise is very exciting because I get to eat SIX TIMES A DAY!!!!! And I love to eat. I'm probably what you would call an emotional eater so any program where I can eat all day is right for me. Of course, that doesn't mean I can eat garbage. I have to eat healthy stuff: lots of protein, carbs and vegetables.

In addition, I have to work out SIX TIMES A WEEK!!! I'm used to running on a treadmill for an hour 3 times a week with absolutely no results. This program only calls for 20 minutes of cardio three times a week. 20 minutes! I did a practice run the other day and the 20 minutes kicked my rear. But the burning in the pit of my stomach made me realize that I had actually done something really good for myself.

The other three days of the week are for weight lifting. Roughly 45 minutes of weight lifting each of the major muscle groups. Not having lifted weights in years, this should provide lots of pain and soreness. But I just know it's worth it.

I'm tired of lugging around 20 extra pounds and breathing heavy when I go up stairs. I'm sick of not being able to lift the smallest thing. But more importantly, I'm sick of excuses. Not enough time; although there is for 3 hours of tv every night. Too tired; who wants to sit/sleep their life away? Work is more important; not if I drop dead from cardiovascular disease.

So here I go. And my sister's doing it with me. With a healthy dose of sibling rivalry that can only lead to two winners no matter the end result, I am all set to change my crappy perspective and bulging mid-section.



Anonymous said...

Hey! This is the "sister", and I do plan on kicking your butt! With all of the best intentions, I promise.:)

Unlike my sister, I am used to isolating muscle groups in the gym. I would normally reserve aa day for arms, one for legs, and one for back. I would do cardio for 15-40 minutes on each of those three days as well. A normal week for me included 3 to 6 days in the gym for about 1 hour and 15 minutes each time.

I am having a hard time getting used to the 3 weight lifting days, because I don't feel like I've done anything. That is, until a couple of days later. Now, the cardio days are something totally different. I used to think that I couldn't run 2 miles. Well, by using the BFL way, on my first cardio day, I ran 1.75 miles. Not too bad. That day, I knew I must be doing something right. I was sweating, which doesn't happen often, and was breathing heavy for quite some time. I guess I just need to get used to the order of things.

I'll update you with progress at the end of week 1.

Cody said...

good luck although i dont think your going to need it because you seem to be on top of things, also i feel your pain with the leg workout i felt like a cripple a few days ago at work