Saturday, June 28, 2008

Test of Titans!

Treadmill. That's how I do my 3 days of 20-minute cardio. It's tough, it's fast, it has hills and IT HURTS!

Today I wasn't sure if I'd even make it on the thing. The universe was testing my willpower. I bounced on my toes, stretched down to the floor, bounced up and down a bit more -- felt a little bit like Richard Simmons. After I was all psyched up, I stepped on to the treadmill and hit start. Nothing. Hit 3 mph and it inched along.

So... I stopped and walked out to find the WD40 out in the garage. The little red tube on it made it easier to spray under the treadmill belt. Feeling all handyman of myself, I stepped back on the treadmill and hit start. The sides of the belt slipped and slided everywhere. The middle did......nothing.

Now this isn't really news. We've had the thing for four years and haven't greased the belt once. Steve almost went through the handles two days ago when he tried to do his cardio but I just figured he didn't know what he was doing:).

After pushing, pulling, black fingers and icky WD40 everywhere, I decided that this wasn't going to work. So, I went rummaging for the key to our community gym. Yeah the key I've had for a year and haven't used once. The key I left for my friend a few weeks ago so she could take the kids to the pool. The key that looks an awful lot like my work key. Not in any of the usual places, drawers, cabinets. Steve didn't know where it was. I'm getting frustrated.

Taking a deep breath I look one last place and bingo! Cardio here I come.

As soon as I get my water.

I grabbed my water bottle and Niagara Falls rained on my shirt. The lid had somehow been forgotten in the filling-the-bottle process and now I was wearing my water. Running to my room, I tripped over the dog, my daughter's stuffed pink Easter lamb and my gym bag. Cursing, I changed clothes.

I finally get to the gym. I'm pretty perturbed. Luckily it's empty. I have it all to myself. That way I get to watch whatever I want. Thank goodness because I need a real distractor for cardio today. My lips smack as I anticipate some loud, fast movie that will keep my attention for the next 20 minutes. Car chases, people shouting, loud music. It's been a long week and a long morning (it's about 0900 by now).

I pushed the on button to the TV. Nothing. I shook the remote and pushed again. Nothing. Mentally I pulled out my hair with both my hands and opened my mouth to the heavens and screamed like a coyote. Outwardly, I took one last, calm breath and pointed the remote a little higher. Finally!

Thank goodness because I didn't want to miss the only movie running ---- "Terms of Endearment"

Twenty-five minutes later, I sat in the gym floor stretching through my sweat and bawling like a baby while Shirley and Jack cruise on the beach with the ashes.

I got through it but what a morning!

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