Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Buns of Blubber

Quivering jelly. That's what my legs felt like after quads and hamstrings today. And that was only the first half of the workout. I hadn't even gotten to calves and abs. My thigh shook like shake 'n bake and the 15-pound weight almost fell through the floor when I dropped it.

My legs could barely walk me into the office. And this day of course, I was in high demand. People kept asking me to come here or go there. How about I just wheel myself over in the office chair? or Can't you just bring that 60-pound lead piece of art over here to me instead?

And the one thing that kept bubbling to my brain's surface was that I have cardio tomorrow. Crawling up the treadmill should be OK. I mean, it's only my second cardio workout on this program. We're working up to walking right?

My sister on the other hand, the one who's been working out with weights for months, gleefully tells me that she's so frustrated with the weight workout. Why you might ask? Certainly not because it's leaving her in trembling piles of goo. It's because the poor thing can't seem to find the right amount of weight; bless her heart. My goodness how tough that the workout isn't challenging her enough.

As I'm writing though I've noticed the pain that plagued my arms yesterday is waning and the piercing hot pain in my upper legs is dying to embers. So maybe cardio won't be so bad tomorrow. Good thing because I don't think that challenges me quite the way it does my sister.

Until tomorrow...

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