Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Free Day & Marble Slab

I had my short hiatus on Sunday and boy did I use it!

I started out the day with a protein shake so I could keep up my habit. But then my uncle asked me to Cracker Barrel and there was no way I could pass up coffee with apple butter biscuits.

Then I took my daughter to a movie and I simply can not go to the movies without diving into a bag of popcorn (without butter). I did pass up the traditional Dr. Pepper and had water instead. So while Kung Fu Panda hi-yad and drop kicked bad guys, I felt good about being able to stay away from sour patch kids and fizzly carb drinks.

But alas, as we walked out into the sizzling Alabama heat, I couldn't help it. I looked left.
To the best creation since 31 flavors. Marble Slab Creamery.

It screamed at me! Bellowing in my face, "it's your free day! it's your free day!"
Tugging on my hand at the same time was my 7-year-old pointing in the same direction and grinning wildly. I was not getting out of it.

The vanilla smell smacked me right in the face along with the ice cold air conditioning as I opened the door. Any shred of self-control I might have had left zipped out into the humidity with the jingle of the door bell. The colorful rows of candy bars, gummy bears, sprinkles, gum balls, fruit, nuts lined the glass counter. Buckets of double chocolate, cake batter, mochaccino & raspberry gleaned through the glass. And I was diving right in.

To make me feel a little better, I did put raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and almonds in my small cup of sweet cream...berries have antioxidants, right? And Bill Phillips does say that I can forget ALL the rules on Free Day. So down it went, one yummy spoonful after another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crack me up!
So far, I've absolutely loved reading your blog...I love the way you write and describe things. :-)