Friday, June 20, 2008

I Learned a New Word

It's called DOMS...delayed onset muscle soreness. And I've been having it for three days!! I did the lower body workout Wednesday and woke up that night in serious-can't-sleep-is-this-going-to-get-me-out-of-the-morning's-cardio pain.

Yesterday, I could barely walk up the stairs so I decided to sit at my desk until lunch in the hopes that it would go away. But guess what happens when you sit still with sore muscles --- they get stiff! It's hard to get out of the chair, to walk to the water fountain, to traipse down stairs. It's painful to do anything but type.

I should tell you that I have felt this before. After a run when I haven't done it in a while. On the downslope of a mountain hike. During the 15th mile of a 20-mile bike ride. But none of that could have prepared me for the excruciating nightmare that I've been having after just an hour's worth of working out with weights. I worked quads, hamstrings, calves and abs. And yesterday, all I could think about was how I looked like I had just finished riding a horse because I walked like I had on chaps.

But here's the coolest part.
I got on the Body for Life community site before I got on the treadmill. Probably just putting it off a little longer. Secretly I was hoping someone on there would tell me it's OK, you can just do cardio another day.
But Katie (not her real name) had logged a post at a little after 5 am and was begging for help. Her thighs screamed, calves mooed and her abs were on fire. There was no way she could do cardio! Katie needed a push, needed support and needed info. I had found it! Someone to help me get through the cardio. If she could do it, I could. So I posted back to her and told her that movement was absolutely paramount to making the pain go away. And walking was moving.

I was energized! I had a partner in crime! Happy with my little post, I pranced back to the treadmill and did my 20-minute cardio workout. Don't get me wrong, my legs screamed and scratched and tortured me but the more I lengthened my stride, the easier it got. Didn't hit my fastest sprint but I did make it. And when I checked back on Katie later that night, she had made it too! DOMS and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I'm feeling your pain this morning. I did my UBWO yesterday and really REALLY pushed myself. Why, when I was doing ok before? Monday's work out yielded no pain whatsoever. Same with Wednesdays LBWO. It was starting to tork me off!
Why no DOMS for those two work outs? I busted my butt on those!
So anyway, here I am, and my chest is killing me. (though, now that I think about it, it's the only part of my UB that's hurting!)

And I procrastinate by checking the BFL guest book and tracker (and now this) before my cardio.