Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back in the Game

After a week of running around seeing doctors and reassuring everyone that my noggin is functioning properly, I'm back! Yesterday, the doc asked me about my headaches (not too bad...4 on a scale of 10) and my appetite (I ate like a horse the day before) and my nausea (nonexistent). So I rolled into the gym and did my lower body today. And holy cow - I just about fell in the floor on hams!

Ironically, before I started BFL, I wasn't really in the gym that much. Only when work made me or a friend asked. Running was my one consistent workout. The occasional bout of push-ups and sit-ups like any other service member cramming for their annual PT (that's physical fitness) test. But that's it.

So funny enough, after nearly a week out, I have missed it. The rubbery smell of dumbells, the loud music, and of course, the people. You know which ones I'm talking about. Big-chested-are-the-girls-checking-me-out-as-I'm-looking-in-the-mirror guy. Heaving-like-I-ran-a-marathon-on-the-treadmill man. And my personal favorite -- is-my-hair-still-perfect-as-I'm-on-the-elliptical girl. These people are what make the gym great. Who cares that they're checking themselves out or sweating buckets; the bottom line is that they are working out. Doing great things for their bodies.

I hardly noticed any of this five weeks ago but being forced away from the gym has made me realize how much good I was doing for myself as well. Sweat rolling down my back, breathing hard in my chest, stretch of a tight muscle -- I love this stuff and am so excited about pushing through to the end!

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