Friday, July 11, 2008

Fell out yesterday

So I normally work out between 5 and 6 every morning.

My parents don't believe it. I was always the night owl, up late watching The Goonies or Indiana Jones movies as a kid and NEVER up before the sun. My grandmother had a great expression, "If God wanted me to see the sun, he would have it come up at noon!"

Well, with kids and work, the only time to work out is before the sun. (I will say that I thought 5 AM was early but on the BFL guestbook, there is one guy who gets up at 3:30am and a woman who gets up at 4:30 am. UNBELIEVABLE!)

So, anyway, I get up super early and that makes me feel all grown up. And then I go to work and am usually home by 5:30 pm to do all the normal dinner, kids, husband, ready for tomorrow stuff. On my normal schedule, I'm not too tired but on BFL, I've noticed that I am wiped out by the time I get home or even sooner. Naps sound great. Pillows make my eyes droopy. I've been known to nod off from time to time in front of my computer. Now, according to the folks on the BFL guestbook, this is not an unusual phenom because my body isn't used to all the working out that I do. I can certainly attest to that!

But last night as soon as I got home, I decided to just close my eyes for a minute on top of my covers. Just rest my head on my pretty, blue pillows with the little one hugged to my chest. Only for a couple of minutes with the cool air coming from the ceiling fan. Then all of a sudden I hear AAAHHH --- AAAAHHHH --- AAAAAHHH. It's 5 AM!!!!!

Today was the best lower body workout I've had yet!

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