Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sibling Rivalry & Fireworks

Family rivalry should never be discounted as ineffective. What an amazing motivational tool!

I met my sister at my mom's for 4th of July. We had already scouted out a local gym to use for Friday morning's upper body workout. We packed protein shakes, bars, BFL books and cookbooks. And the ever important, BFL planners.

She helped write out my plan while I drove the 20 minutes to the gym. We arrived as soon as they opened, and the perverbial cat-and-mouse workout session insued. She showed me her 20-pound curls. I fought back with 25-pound hammer curls. She swung 15s. I lugged 20s. She shouted at me for making her laugh and I cried after shoulder pressing her weights. She fell in the floor after doing my dips. I laughed out loud!

All in all, the fireworks at the gym hilariously drove us to push ourselves. Tens and highs all the way around. That night, as fireworks exploded overhead and the smells of BBQ wafted around us, we toasted to the end of 3 weeks on BFL. With a good dose of family rivalry, we had made it to our free day with a bang!

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