Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two in a Row

Yesterday's killer cardio has motivated me today ... I've got lower body. Four easy muscles to knock out in less than an hour.

The setting: we decided to outfit our TV room with a home gym. I have a weight bench that is just a hair too tall but works just fine. There is also a large array of varying weights in a nice line-up right in front of the TV. Starting at 3 lbs, they only go up to two-12s. I also have two 15-pounders that can be mix-and-matched to set up one, nice 25-lb dumb bell. Which is fine by me for now.

But I'm doing squats - arguably the strongest part of my body -- and I'd like to go up in weight. Flipping through the BFL books, I find sumo squats. Holding one dumb bell in both hands, I squat around the weight with a straight back and long arms. Not so bad with 8 pounds but when I finally get up to 20, my thighs are screeching at me. Yippee - I hit my high!

Next is hamstrings -- my favorite. Feeling the pain go through my tush makes me feel like I could possibly be working it off. I do lunges with weights in both hands for this. The longer I hold and the deeper I lunge, the more I feel it working. This is where Richard Simmons would be shouting at me to "feel the burn!" I think I can hear clapping and oldies music in my head.

Then comes calves and a lot of balancing on my tippy toes. This one isn't too hard and usually doesn't reveal any soreness for hours. Even then it isn't too tough. I could probably use heavier weights but today it feels like I've done something.

Finally, my hands-down absolute favorite -- ABS! Any exercise that has me moving my bowl of jelly around gives me that Rocky feeling. You know where he runs up the steps in Philly and throws his hands in the air. That's me after I tear up my abs for nearly 60 reps.

This is the best leg day since the DOMS!

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