Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cardio: 3200m dash...easy

Best cardio to date! I couldn't believe it; especially after Saturday's debacle.

But I ran with the wind, galloped with horses, loped like a fairy and won the 3200m dash at the Olympics!

I knew going into the gym that I was facing an uphill battle considering just how awful the cardio of three days before had been. Not looking forward to it, I strode into the gym at 5 am. FoxNews blared on the flat screen in the workout gym that looks a lot like any work out facility the Holiday Inn offers to keep itself at 4 stars. Two treadmills, two ellipticals, one bike. A smattering of pulleys and flex machines for the arms. One leg machine and a bar for abs. That's it. Very, very cozy.

This morning, there was a young 20-something male doing squats and abs and a 60-something male pumping his biceps. I should tell you that it is very motivating to me to see people of all ages working out. Life does not stop because college is over or because you have kids. I like the reminder when I see folks doing things good for themselves.

So I hop on the treadmill and start out at an easy, brisk walk. Then I hit my usual jog pace. Feeling really good. I like the pit-of-my-stomach knowledge that I am going to make it today. Faster and faster; I eventually make it to 7 mph! And jump it up to 8, then 9 for the final push -- holy cow. It burns, my lungs scream, my thighs pound. And then 20 minutes hit. I'm done. Can not believe I made it and as much as it hurt, it was so much faster than the last time. I feel like a million, sweaty, painful bucks.

I love this program!

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