Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Results - I got some!

OK so eating 6 meals a day and working out 6 times a week for about a total of 4 hours will change your body!
I lost 11 pounds and 4 inches off my waist! My body mass index fell nearly 5 points.

All this with a week off for a concussion and sporadic workouts the last couple of weeks due to work.

I feel so much better than back in June when this started. My sister fit into a size 4 for the first time in her life! I am wearing pants I haven't worn in years!

The hardest part about this program is actually finding the guts to do it. It isn't hard and it isn't time consuming. But it does require a change in perspective about what's important. Giving your body what it needs to be healthy is a good change. I will say that after about two weeks on the program, I absolutely did not miss cokes, my afternoon snickers bar, Marble Slab ice cream, pizza (well maybe a little on the is after all a Friday night staple!). But I didn't crave all the junk I normally eat.

Now I'm taking a few weeks off and hope to start again later in September. Good luck to all on the program. It is worth it and you can do it!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cardio - Bugs and All

I decided to do cardio today on my bike. Outside in the Alabama heat. It's 99 degrees with a heat index of 105 degrees. Typical August weather.

Last year at this time, the state was suffering a drought unlike anything we'd seen in 50 years. The temperature soared over 100 degrees for nearly two straight weeks. The Georgia governor was even so kind as to loan the state water. And the lake was so low that our marina sent all its speed boats back to Florida. Today's heat reminds me of the sweltering mess that we had last summer. The only thing it was good for was barefeet, sundresses and watermelon in the cool air conditioning.

Since cardio is supposed to be only 20 minutes, I figured I could handle the heat and get it over with pretty quickly. I just didn't feel like running on the treadmill AGAIN. And I was excited about riding on my new bike. I've only ridden it twice since I got it back in May. Alabama is not exactly mountain biking country but my neighborhood has plenty of room for road riding.

Around the neighborhood lake I went. Increasing in speed with every minute until it was time to back off for a quick break. The heat made my skin drip and my hair plaster against my head. My lungs burned and my quads agonized with every revolution. Now, if you remember the movie "The Incredibles," there is a scene where Dash is running through the jungle and runs smack into a bug swarm and flips over and over before spitting and hacking out the bugs. Evidently, the neighborhood lake creates these little bug swarms EVERYWHERE! A swarm hit my face about every 10 seconds. The nastiest bunch of little, black bugs you've ever seen squashed against my sunglasses and forehead and lined my forearms. Ewww! Finally I took a turn into a new section of the neighborhood without any access to the lake and was home free. I did the last 10 minutes of the run bug free!

Either way, the ride was the best one I've had in weeks. Heat, bugs and all!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back in the Game

After a week of running around seeing doctors and reassuring everyone that my noggin is functioning properly, I'm back! Yesterday, the doc asked me about my headaches (not too bad...4 on a scale of 10) and my appetite (I ate like a horse the day before) and my nausea (nonexistent). So I rolled into the gym and did my lower body today. And holy cow - I just about fell in the floor on hams!

Ironically, before I started BFL, I wasn't really in the gym that much. Only when work made me or a friend asked. Running was my one consistent workout. The occasional bout of push-ups and sit-ups like any other service member cramming for their annual PT (that's physical fitness) test. But that's it.

So funny enough, after nearly a week out, I have missed it. The rubbery smell of dumbells, the loud music, and of course, the people. You know which ones I'm talking about. Big-chested-are-the-girls-checking-me-out-as-I'm-looking-in-the-mirror guy. Heaving-like-I-ran-a-marathon-on-the-treadmill man. And my personal favorite -- is-my-hair-still-perfect-as-I'm-on-the-elliptical girl. These people are what make the gym great. Who cares that they're checking themselves out or sweating buckets; the bottom line is that they are working out. Doing great things for their bodies.

I hardly noticed any of this five weeks ago but being forced away from the gym has made me realize how much good I was doing for myself as well. Sweat rolling down my back, breathing hard in my chest, stretch of a tight muscle -- I love this stuff and am so excited about pushing through to the end!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Concussion stops BFL - just for a bit

So I got a concussion. Coolest story ever -- I was in the turret of a Hummer. For you non-mil types, that's hanging out the top. And we took off and crashed into a tree. The ambulance charged in and whisked me away. Six hours later the guy driving picked me up at the ER and took me back to the dorms. I got a swelled brain and a bruised sternum out of it not to mention a story that is running out of control.

But now I have halted my BFL. Just for a week. I'm recooping and my sister swears that will be OK for the program.

I'll let you know Monday!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fell out yesterday

So I normally work out between 5 and 6 every morning.

My parents don't believe it. I was always the night owl, up late watching The Goonies or Indiana Jones movies as a kid and NEVER up before the sun. My grandmother had a great expression, "If God wanted me to see the sun, he would have it come up at noon!"

Well, with kids and work, the only time to work out is before the sun. (I will say that I thought 5 AM was early but on the BFL guestbook, there is one guy who gets up at 3:30am and a woman who gets up at 4:30 am. UNBELIEVABLE!)

So, anyway, I get up super early and that makes me feel all grown up. And then I go to work and am usually home by 5:30 pm to do all the normal dinner, kids, husband, ready for tomorrow stuff. On my normal schedule, I'm not too tired but on BFL, I've noticed that I am wiped out by the time I get home or even sooner. Naps sound great. Pillows make my eyes droopy. I've been known to nod off from time to time in front of my computer. Now, according to the folks on the BFL guestbook, this is not an unusual phenom because my body isn't used to all the working out that I do. I can certainly attest to that!

But last night as soon as I got home, I decided to just close my eyes for a minute on top of my covers. Just rest my head on my pretty, blue pillows with the little one hugged to my chest. Only for a couple of minutes with the cool air coming from the ceiling fan. Then all of a sudden I hear AAAHHH --- AAAAHHHH --- AAAAAHHH. It's 5 AM!!!!!

Today was the best lower body workout I've had yet!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Motivate, Motivate, Motivate

The key word in all this is MOTIVATION.

It's what gets me slamming on the alarm clock at 5 AM and actually putting my running shoes on. It's what makes me ask for a to-go box as soon as the Mexican food hits the table. It's what puts the "umph" in that last set of barbell lifts. And it's also what has me drowning myself in a gallon of water every single day.

I love the way I feel when I'm done killing myself on the treadmill or scrapping myself off the floor after tricep dips.

It has spiced up my life with a hobby and even better, a hobby that I can share with my sister. So I decided it was time to list the top ten things that keep me on BFL, so here goes:

10 -- My tushy looks much better in a size 4 than in a size 8 :)

9 -- I've gotta beat my sister (see #7)

8 -- Myoplex Lite Chocolate Bars are really not that bad

7 -- I'm too competitive for my own good

6 -- I love wearing a two-piece swim suit!

5 -- Sprinting up hill for 2 full minutes makes me feel like Wonder Woman

4 -- Feeding my face six times a day is heaven

3 -- Crossing off a square on the 84-day BINGO chart is like being on a game show

2 -- The Pentagon could hire me to develop war plans if they see the meal & exercise plans I can spit out



Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sibling Rivalry & Fireworks

Family rivalry should never be discounted as ineffective. What an amazing motivational tool!

I met my sister at my mom's for 4th of July. We had already scouted out a local gym to use for Friday morning's upper body workout. We packed protein shakes, bars, BFL books and cookbooks. And the ever important, BFL planners.

She helped write out my plan while I drove the 20 minutes to the gym. We arrived as soon as they opened, and the perverbial cat-and-mouse workout session insued. She showed me her 20-pound curls. I fought back with 25-pound hammer curls. She swung 15s. I lugged 20s. She shouted at me for making her laugh and I cried after shoulder pressing her weights. She fell in the floor after doing my dips. I laughed out loud!

All in all, the fireworks at the gym hilariously drove us to push ourselves. Tens and highs all the way around. That night, as fireworks exploded overhead and the smells of BBQ wafted around us, we toasted to the end of 3 weeks on BFL. With a good dose of family rivalry, we had made it to our free day with a bang!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two in a Row

Yesterday's killer cardio has motivated me today ... I've got lower body. Four easy muscles to knock out in less than an hour.

The setting: we decided to outfit our TV room with a home gym. I have a weight bench that is just a hair too tall but works just fine. There is also a large array of varying weights in a nice line-up right in front of the TV. Starting at 3 lbs, they only go up to two-12s. I also have two 15-pounders that can be mix-and-matched to set up one, nice 25-lb dumb bell. Which is fine by me for now.

But I'm doing squats - arguably the strongest part of my body -- and I'd like to go up in weight. Flipping through the BFL books, I find sumo squats. Holding one dumb bell in both hands, I squat around the weight with a straight back and long arms. Not so bad with 8 pounds but when I finally get up to 20, my thighs are screeching at me. Yippee - I hit my high!

Next is hamstrings -- my favorite. Feeling the pain go through my tush makes me feel like I could possibly be working it off. I do lunges with weights in both hands for this. The longer I hold and the deeper I lunge, the more I feel it working. This is where Richard Simmons would be shouting at me to "feel the burn!" I think I can hear clapping and oldies music in my head.

Then comes calves and a lot of balancing on my tippy toes. This one isn't too hard and usually doesn't reveal any soreness for hours. Even then it isn't too tough. I could probably use heavier weights but today it feels like I've done something.

Finally, my hands-down absolute favorite -- ABS! Any exercise that has me moving my bowl of jelly around gives me that Rocky feeling. You know where he runs up the steps in Philly and throws his hands in the air. That's me after I tear up my abs for nearly 60 reps.

This is the best leg day since the DOMS!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cardio: 3200m dash...easy

Best cardio to date! I couldn't believe it; especially after Saturday's debacle.

But I ran with the wind, galloped with horses, loped like a fairy and won the 3200m dash at the Olympics!

I knew going into the gym that I was facing an uphill battle considering just how awful the cardio of three days before had been. Not looking forward to it, I strode into the gym at 5 am. FoxNews blared on the flat screen in the workout gym that looks a lot like any work out facility the Holiday Inn offers to keep itself at 4 stars. Two treadmills, two ellipticals, one bike. A smattering of pulleys and flex machines for the arms. One leg machine and a bar for abs. That's it. Very, very cozy.

This morning, there was a young 20-something male doing squats and abs and a 60-something male pumping his biceps. I should tell you that it is very motivating to me to see people of all ages working out. Life does not stop because college is over or because you have kids. I like the reminder when I see folks doing things good for themselves.

So I hop on the treadmill and start out at an easy, brisk walk. Then I hit my usual jog pace. Feeling really good. I like the pit-of-my-stomach knowledge that I am going to make it today. Faster and faster; I eventually make it to 7 mph! And jump it up to 8, then 9 for the final push -- holy cow. It burns, my lungs scream, my thighs pound. And then 20 minutes hit. I'm done. Can not believe I made it and as much as it hurt, it was so much faster than the last time. I feel like a million, sweaty, painful bucks.

I love this program!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Test of Titans!

Treadmill. That's how I do my 3 days of 20-minute cardio. It's tough, it's fast, it has hills and IT HURTS!

Today I wasn't sure if I'd even make it on the thing. The universe was testing my willpower. I bounced on my toes, stretched down to the floor, bounced up and down a bit more -- felt a little bit like Richard Simmons. After I was all psyched up, I stepped on to the treadmill and hit start. Nothing. Hit 3 mph and it inched along.

So... I stopped and walked out to find the WD40 out in the garage. The little red tube on it made it easier to spray under the treadmill belt. Feeling all handyman of myself, I stepped back on the treadmill and hit start. The sides of the belt slipped and slided everywhere. The middle did......nothing.

Now this isn't really news. We've had the thing for four years and haven't greased the belt once. Steve almost went through the handles two days ago when he tried to do his cardio but I just figured he didn't know what he was doing:).

After pushing, pulling, black fingers and icky WD40 everywhere, I decided that this wasn't going to work. So, I went rummaging for the key to our community gym. Yeah the key I've had for a year and haven't used once. The key I left for my friend a few weeks ago so she could take the kids to the pool. The key that looks an awful lot like my work key. Not in any of the usual places, drawers, cabinets. Steve didn't know where it was. I'm getting frustrated.

Taking a deep breath I look one last place and bingo! Cardio here I come.

As soon as I get my water.

I grabbed my water bottle and Niagara Falls rained on my shirt. The lid had somehow been forgotten in the filling-the-bottle process and now I was wearing my water. Running to my room, I tripped over the dog, my daughter's stuffed pink Easter lamb and my gym bag. Cursing, I changed clothes.

I finally get to the gym. I'm pretty perturbed. Luckily it's empty. I have it all to myself. That way I get to watch whatever I want. Thank goodness because I need a real distractor for cardio today. My lips smack as I anticipate some loud, fast movie that will keep my attention for the next 20 minutes. Car chases, people shouting, loud music. It's been a long week and a long morning (it's about 0900 by now).

I pushed the on button to the TV. Nothing. I shook the remote and pushed again. Nothing. Mentally I pulled out my hair with both my hands and opened my mouth to the heavens and screamed like a coyote. Outwardly, I took one last, calm breath and pointed the remote a little higher. Finally!

Thank goodness because I didn't want to miss the only movie running ---- "Terms of Endearment"

Twenty-five minutes later, I sat in the gym floor stretching through my sweat and bawling like a baby while Shirley and Jack cruise on the beach with the ashes.

I got through it but what a morning!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Free Day & Marble Slab

I had my short hiatus on Sunday and boy did I use it!

I started out the day with a protein shake so I could keep up my habit. But then my uncle asked me to Cracker Barrel and there was no way I could pass up coffee with apple butter biscuits.

Then I took my daughter to a movie and I simply can not go to the movies without diving into a bag of popcorn (without butter). I did pass up the traditional Dr. Pepper and had water instead. So while Kung Fu Panda hi-yad and drop kicked bad guys, I felt good about being able to stay away from sour patch kids and fizzly carb drinks.

But alas, as we walked out into the sizzling Alabama heat, I couldn't help it. I looked left.
To the best creation since 31 flavors. Marble Slab Creamery.

It screamed at me! Bellowing in my face, "it's your free day! it's your free day!"
Tugging on my hand at the same time was my 7-year-old pointing in the same direction and grinning wildly. I was not getting out of it.

The vanilla smell smacked me right in the face along with the ice cold air conditioning as I opened the door. Any shred of self-control I might have had left zipped out into the humidity with the jingle of the door bell. The colorful rows of candy bars, gummy bears, sprinkles, gum balls, fruit, nuts lined the glass counter. Buckets of double chocolate, cake batter, mochaccino & raspberry gleaned through the glass. And I was diving right in.

To make me feel a little better, I did put raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and almonds in my small cup of sweet cream...berries have antioxidants, right? And Bill Phillips does say that I can forget ALL the rules on Free Day. So down it went, one yummy spoonful after another.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Learned a New Word

It's called DOMS...delayed onset muscle soreness. And I've been having it for three days!! I did the lower body workout Wednesday and woke up that night in serious-can't-sleep-is-this-going-to-get-me-out-of-the-morning's-cardio pain.

Yesterday, I could barely walk up the stairs so I decided to sit at my desk until lunch in the hopes that it would go away. But guess what happens when you sit still with sore muscles --- they get stiff! It's hard to get out of the chair, to walk to the water fountain, to traipse down stairs. It's painful to do anything but type.

I should tell you that I have felt this before. After a run when I haven't done it in a while. On the downslope of a mountain hike. During the 15th mile of a 20-mile bike ride. But none of that could have prepared me for the excruciating nightmare that I've been having after just an hour's worth of working out with weights. I worked quads, hamstrings, calves and abs. And yesterday, all I could think about was how I looked like I had just finished riding a horse because I walked like I had on chaps.

But here's the coolest part.
I got on the Body for Life community site before I got on the treadmill. Probably just putting it off a little longer. Secretly I was hoping someone on there would tell me it's OK, you can just do cardio another day.
But Katie (not her real name) had logged a post at a little after 5 am and was begging for help. Her thighs screamed, calves mooed and her abs were on fire. There was no way she could do cardio! Katie needed a push, needed support and needed info. I had found it! Someone to help me get through the cardio. If she could do it, I could. So I posted back to her and told her that movement was absolutely paramount to making the pain go away. And walking was moving.

I was energized! I had a partner in crime! Happy with my little post, I pranced back to the treadmill and did my 20-minute cardio workout. Don't get me wrong, my legs screamed and scratched and tortured me but the more I lengthened my stride, the easier it got. Didn't hit my fastest sprint but I did make it. And when I checked back on Katie later that night, she had made it too! DOMS and all.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Buns of Blubber

Quivering jelly. That's what my legs felt like after quads and hamstrings today. And that was only the first half of the workout. I hadn't even gotten to calves and abs. My thigh shook like shake 'n bake and the 15-pound weight almost fell through the floor when I dropped it.

My legs could barely walk me into the office. And this day of course, I was in high demand. People kept asking me to come here or go there. How about I just wheel myself over in the office chair? or Can't you just bring that 60-pound lead piece of art over here to me instead?

And the one thing that kept bubbling to my brain's surface was that I have cardio tomorrow. Crawling up the treadmill should be OK. I mean, it's only my second cardio workout on this program. We're working up to walking right?

My sister on the other hand, the one who's been working out with weights for months, gleefully tells me that she's so frustrated with the weight workout. Why you might ask? Certainly not because it's leaving her in trembling piles of goo. It's because the poor thing can't seem to find the right amount of weight; bless her heart. My goodness how tough that the workout isn't challenging her enough.

As I'm writing though I've noticed the pain that plagued my arms yesterday is waning and the piercing hot pain in my upper legs is dying to embers. So maybe cardio won't be so bad tomorrow. Good thing because I don't think that challenges me quite the way it does my sister.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Day One - Upper Body

And Owwww!!!

That's all I can say. I cried like a baby after my last set of triceps.

This is the first time I've worked out by isolating muscle groups. Six
sets of increasing weight: two exercises per muscle group -- chest,
back, shoulders, biceps, triceps.

I know it's good for me but the only thing keeping me going is the fact
that I don't have to do it again until Friday.

There was one other small consolation. My sister was hurting just as
much as me. Who says families aren't stronger with pain?!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Body For Life

My sister and I have decided we are done with yo-yo dieting and gym-ratting.

I have a friend who decided to do Bill Phillips' Body for Life program while he was deployed. He lost 50 pounds and gained muscle!

So I read the book, my sister read the book and we've both read the website. We're ready to go....we start tomorrow.

The premise is very exciting because I get to eat SIX TIMES A DAY!!!!! And I love to eat. I'm probably what you would call an emotional eater so any program where I can eat all day is right for me. Of course, that doesn't mean I can eat garbage. I have to eat healthy stuff: lots of protein, carbs and vegetables.

In addition, I have to work out SIX TIMES A WEEK!!! I'm used to running on a treadmill for an hour 3 times a week with absolutely no results. This program only calls for 20 minutes of cardio three times a week. 20 minutes! I did a practice run the other day and the 20 minutes kicked my rear. But the burning in the pit of my stomach made me realize that I had actually done something really good for myself.

The other three days of the week are for weight lifting. Roughly 45 minutes of weight lifting each of the major muscle groups. Not having lifted weights in years, this should provide lots of pain and soreness. But I just know it's worth it.

I'm tired of lugging around 20 extra pounds and breathing heavy when I go up stairs. I'm sick of not being able to lift the smallest thing. But more importantly, I'm sick of excuses. Not enough time; although there is for 3 hours of tv every night. Too tired; who wants to sit/sleep their life away? Work is more important; not if I drop dead from cardiovascular disease.

So here I go. And my sister's doing it with me. With a healthy dose of sibling rivalry that can only lead to two winners no matter the end result, I am all set to change my crappy perspective and bulging mid-section.